⚠️How to create a virus in termux app
⚠️How to create a virus in termux app 1. you need to download termux app from play store if yo want so i give the link for this app. Link: 2.after download and install you need to install vbug tool in termux for installing vbug tool u want to follow this cammands a.apt update b.pkg install python python2 c. go to chrome browser and open this url and download vbug.zip file https://rojkmao.com/blQF after download the file extract it into vbug folder now open termux app give the following commands type 'cd /sdcard' type 'cd vbug' (go to folder that the file was downloaded) again type 'cd vbug' now type 'python2 vbug.py' now the console is opened choose the device u want to make virus for for android type '1' now choose which type of virus u want to make there are 5 types of virus 1.bootloop 2.dataeater 3.freez 4.boomzip 5.elite n...